Thursday, March 11th, 2010

It's true!!!...Girlfriends really do make life SWEETER! These are the people in life that we share our dreams with, our hopes, our fears, and so much more. It's these gals that add joy to our lives. We laugh with each other, cry together, organize our next shopping excursions, plan our dieting strategy over a shared piece of cheesecake, and talk about everything from "a to z"! This new pendant has just been added to my shoppe, and it makes a perfect surprise for your sweetest girlfriends! Or, you may just need it yourself! Wear it with a smile, and remember that you always have a GIRLFRIEND in your corner!
I've been busy adding new designs to the shoppe so be sure to grab a cuppa tea and browse around a bit. There's lots more to come! Although this post is all about girlfriends, I cannot help but think about my "boyfriend" (aka hubby)...He surprised me last night with a spontaneous "date night", and I must say, it was the perfect "pick me up" for the middle of week! Surprise somebody might just be exactly what they need to add a smile to their day!

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