Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

has definitely said goodbye! Yep, the dog days of summer are upon us, my friends! Wow...it has been sunny and warm the past few days in my little corner of the world, but well, it is almost June so I suppose this is right on schedule. I am just a little partial to those cooler days...highs in the 70's with the breeze blowing in my fur...now, that's my favorite time of year! But, seasons change, and with each new season there are new adventures to experience, new steps to be taken, and new memories to create. So, don't...

poke your lips out!! The summer has just begun, and it's always filled with lots o' fun!! Hope the start of your summer gets off to a great start! And, I hope you find lots of ways to stay "cool as a cucumber" ...especially if you are lucky enough to be chillin' in the south!!
**A little update...my eye is driving me crazy...oh, yes, it really hurts and is bothering me so much. But, my sweet mom is looking after me, giving me lots of TLC, and we are praying it will heal quickly. Thanks so much for your continued thoughts and prayers!**
Happy Dog Days!!

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