Tuesday, May 18th, 2010

Yes, I am afraid that your eyes do not deceive you...I am wearing THE CONE again! Ugh!! I cannot tell you how disappointed I was to hear the vet confirm that I had an abrasion on my cornea week before last. I knew my eye was really hurting, and my mom was quick to take a look at it when she saw that I was squinting so much. I'm sure she may have just thought I was winking at her...but, well, I suppose she wouldn't think I would KEEP winking that much! When she looked at my eye she knew she didn't like what she saw. That woman has an eye for detail, I tell ya! She knows me so good, and she knew what to look for when it comes to my eyes. You may remember about this time last year I had a corneal ulcer in my other eye. And, we are still treating the aftereffects of that...it left scarring on my eye so I have to use drops on a daily basis to help clear that up. We started seeing an eye specialist that comes to our area every few weeks, and my mom was so thankful we already had an appointment to follow up about the other eye this past week. I know I saw tears in her eyes when the specialist confirmed that the abrasion had turned into an ulcer. Oh, I tell you, no one could love me more than my mom...ok, well, my poppy loves me tremendously, too...but, I think you all have probably figured out by now that well...they are just crazy in love with me. The feeling is mutual!

The eye specialist wrote out the details for my treatment, gave us lots of drops in a cute little bag with paw prints allover it, and we headed home to begin this journey once more. I was so miserable that afternoon (last Friday) and really needed lots of extra TLC. I'm livin' in the right house for that!! The weekend was really miserable for me because I was in so much pain, but my mom...well, she was up with me the minute she heard one little peep out of me. She's like that...always listening out for me, hearing the slightest little sound I might make that lets her know I might need her, and then, sitting up with me trying to do anything to make me feel better. Her lovin' is the best treatment, I can assure you! So, yes, here I am, sporting this alien cone thingy again. Please pray for me...pray that my eye will heal just as it needs to, that my meds will work, and that this ulcer will not last like the other one did. We didn't like to hear that the ulcer is covering about 90% of my cornea so it is a big one like the one that was in the other eye. How in the world do I get these?? Well, the specialist said that she is really seeing this more and more and not in any particular breed. They are doing lots of research to try to learn more about them, and it's just one of those things that happens. My mom had one years ago and can still remember how painful it was. She says it was one of the most horrific things she ever dealt with. I can assure you it is extremely painful. My mom wouldn't dare let me hang my head out the window of a moving car, but I know lots of you might enjoy doing this. The specialist mentioned this is one of the easiest ways this can happen because a bit of dirt or dust can get in the eye and cause an abrasion which can lead to an ulcer. Of course, we could get something in our eye just from roaming about, but that's just a little food for thought for ya. Thank goodness they know how to treat the ulcers so maybe I will be good as new before long!

In the meantime, I try to focus on other things like these beautiful flowers on our patio. Don't you just love the pretty shades of pink? I bet you can guess who picked these out!! You know that woman loves PINK!! haha I do, too...just don't tell the fellas! The flowers on the left are even bigger and prettier since this picture a few days ago. The blooms are just hanging over the edge of the pot all the way around. And, the flower on the right...I will have to check on the name for you, but we had one last year in Virginia, too, that was so much fun to watch. The one we had last year actually had a purple center, and that is what is on the card that came with it so we were surprised to see the white when the buds started to open. So, tell me...how does your garden grow? Do you have any unique or unusual flowers brightening up your patio? Hope you're having fun in your spring garden...my mom and I think it is very therapeutic!
Hugs and Love,

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