Tuesday, June 15th, 2010

Oh, yes, they do....thunderstorms make me crazy...bananas...delirious!! And, that's just the beginning! I know I drive my mom all of these things, too, when we're in the midst of a storm because I really feel the need to bark about it. And, when I say BARK...well, I mean bark alot!!! It was a sunshiney day, and of course, you know how the south can be...next thing you know a thunderstorm is rolling in. I've pretty much worn myself out from trying to alert all of the surrounding areas about this storm so I think I am going to need a long, cozy nap. But, before I go, I wanted to show you one of my friends...

Beautiful dragonflies are zipping all around our yard. They love the hostas and all the other flowers. They come so close; some have even landed on my mom's arm! And, I hope we can snap a picture of one of the blue and green ones...so pretty! Do you have lots of dragonflies in your garden this summer?

I am happy to share that my eye specialist said my corneal ulcer has healed. However, we are having to treat the little bubbles that have formed on my cornea from having the ulcer. And, my eye is still so sensitive so I'm still squinting alot...yep, looks like I'm trying to be a pirate!! I still have to wear my alien helmet, too, but I'm hoping I will be free of it maybe next week...at least some of the time. I'm sure hoping all the drops do just what they need to so I will be seeing much better soon! But, for now, here's me in action...love my red ball and have to find it every evening when Poppie comes home! He loves it...I do it just for him!
Stay cool...it's naptime so I'll see you next week!

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