Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010

What a sweet surprise to hear that Ann-Margaret's SpecialTea Shoppe on Etsy was featured in a beautiful treasury today! We were thrilled to receive an email from Melanie at sweetmellyjane letting us know that she had created a treasury and included our "Definitely Diva Chandelier" belt buckle. Thank you Melanie...what a fun treat to our day! Be sure to check out Melanie's adorable "Mary Jane Baby Slippers"...my mom loves, loves, loves these!! And, I'm pretty sure you know how much my mom LOVES hot PINK and black together so she was tickled PINK when she saw this treasury! Ooh la la...such a sophisticated combo, yet it still has a flirty flair about it. Ok, I admit my mom is assisting me a bit with this blog post. LOL I mean, puh~leaazzze...do you think I really say "ooh la la"??!!! The woman tries to create designs with my picture, using pink crowns, sassy fonts, and such, but this little guy has to draw the line somewhere! I don't say "ooh la la" on my own, just for the record! Now, I do really think it's AWESOME and GROOVY that one of my sweet mom's designs was featured in this treasury! Check it out, and check out all the other beautiful treasures included, too!

You can find this fancy chandelier buckle in our personal shoppe and also in our Etsy shoppe. Did you realize that we had an Etsy shoppe? Well, head on over for a little tour. We love Etsy so we thought it would be fun to set up shop there, too!
Happy Shopping, Kiddos! This Westie is off to relax! Cheerios~
*Btw...I LOVE hearing from you guys so send some comments my way, please...yes, I'll share them with my mom, too! I paw~si~tive~ly adore getting mail from my peeps!!

**Tucker is my CEBD (Chief Executive Bebe Dog)...He is my furry baby and assists me with all the happenings of the shoppe, and he blogs on Tuesdays (known as "Tuesdays with Tucker").
2010 Copyright Ann-Margaret's SpecialTea Shoppe
Please do not use/copy photos, text, or images (graphics) without permission.
Feel free to link to my blog. Thanks so much!