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I'm so excited to be a part of Martha Stewart's Dreamers into Doers group! It is overflowing with beautiful, inspiring talent, strong passions about doing what we love as we run our own businesses, and sweet encouragement and support from each other.

I was simply "tealighted" when one of my photos was chosen to be featured on the front page one week not long after I became a member. My signature scone mix photo was chosen!! Sheer delight to see one of my signature items on the front page of Martha Stewart's Dreamers into Doers! A big "thank you" to Kim at The TomKat Studio for sharing about this amazing group on her blog...that is where I first learned about it. I had read about it before but did not realize there was a website devoted to Dreamers into Doers!
So, since it is a "Tealightful Thursday", and I said I would sometimes share things on Thursdays that make me happy or "tealighted", I just thought I would share this amazing group with you. Although many women business owners love what they do and have a passion for the work they create or perform, it can be a struggle sometimes to try to balance it all. And, well, we better love what we do because we put in many hours to help our businesses grow and succeed. You will often hear us talking about how we stop long enough to make dinner in the evening and then, get busy again with filling orders, working on designs, and managing our workflow. It's definitely not a "9-5" job! haha Many of us also mention that we head back to our studios once our hubby and/or children have gone to bed. I often seem to get "my second wind" around 10pm! Yep, I'm always working on trying to create a better sleep schedule for myself, but I just seem to be a night owl so I don't suppose I really need to "battle" that too much! haha Many of us work from home, and although it is a blessing to be able to work in the comfort of my home studio (and, have my sweet Tucker, my Westie, helping me out), well, it does take a good bit of discipline to stay focused on the business stuff during the day and let all the "house issues" stay on the backburner til after "work hours". I am always working on new ideas for being more productive and efficient with my time. It's a must, as I manage my personal website, Etsy shoppes, write my blog, do all of my photography and editing, design and create my items in my signature line, and try to manage my ever growing "idea list". But, again, I am thankful and feel very blessed to have the opportunity to do what I love (and, I so appreciate my sweet, supportive hubby for allowing me to pursue my dream!), and I hope my creations and signature designs bring smiles to those that receive them.
Many thanks to all of you whom support me and all the other talented women owned businesses. I truly appreciate each of you and love working with you to create something I hope will bring you a little piece of happiness each time you use it or wear it. Your support and encouragement means more than you can ever imagine. Each time you visit our fan pages, leave a comment on our blogs, do a little shopping with us...well, that is just one more time that you are helping our voice to be heard. And, for that, I am truly thankful and appreciative!
Do you manage your own business? What do you love most about it...and, what are you always trying to improve or work on? Any favorite tips you feel help you to run your business more efficiently? Feel free to share with us...we'd love to hear your ideas!
On some Thursdays I am also going to "spread the love" a bit and share some of my favorite finds from women owned businesses. Oh, I have found some cute things!! You are going to love the goodies I will be sharing with you! It's time to start thinking about that Christmas list, and I'm taking note of some cute shoppes you may want to check out.
**And, I just have to share this as it is happening...I am working and have the Nate Berkus show on in the background. A lady (April Morse) is telling about how she saved her family's cabinetry business of 38yrs after the bank told them they should close it. After some encouragement from others, she sent Williams Sonoma one of their new product designs (a wine bottle shaped cutting board)...and, now they carry that item!! What an inspiring story!! Ok, just had to share this with ya'll...I mean it's just so fitting since I was about to hit "publish" on my post! And, I just love how I can hear the passion and emotion in this lady's voice! That's what I'm talking about...following a dream, being determined, making "it" happen! Love it! :)

2010 Copyright Ann-Margaret's SpecialTea Shoppe/Ann-Margaret's Visions
Please do not copy/use text, photos, or images (graphics) without permission.
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