Tuesday, October 12th, 2010
I know...looks like me, right??!! haha It's Tucker here coming to you live from LA...of course, I mean "lower Alabama"! :) My mom and Poppy went to Alexandria, Virginia during the summer, and I knew I had to post about some of the cool stuff they came across during their time strolling around Old Town. You may remember that Alexandria was our home before moving to Alabama. My mom snapped the picture of this cute guy in a new shop in Old Town, The Dog Park.
My mom was drawn to this store because she was missing me so much...and, the sweet treats in the window looked rather tempting! However, she and Poppy found out that those treats are for furry babies! That's right, sometimes you guys don't share with us so we don't have to share our cupcakes, now do we??
These look so yummy! Aren't they cute?! I think I might just have to talk my mom into us having a baking day and trying to create a few of these! I can assure you that Poppy would try to eat them though...hmm...might be fun! I'm all about mischief, you know!
And, it's only natural to see a few political cookies around since Old Town is so close to DC! Bet you didn't even realize that furry babies might just have a preference too, huh?! But, not to worry, I don't get into politics here in my posts!
You've probably seen some of the unique and amazing dessert buffets that are so popular now for birthdays and all sorts of celebrations...well, check out this little buffet! Talk about making your four legged friends feel special! It would be hard to choose one, I can assure you!
Now, if you are thinking of having a party for your furry baby (pet or dog...I just really prefer "furry baby" myself!), then, you might want to think about having some of these sweet treats. If you live close to Old Town, just call up The Dog Park shop (I do not have a website for them, or I would definitely share it with you.), and I am sure they would be happy to bake up some goodies for your party. But, if you don't live close to a cute shop such as this, then, you might want to try baking cookies yourself. Of course, you need to make sure you use the right ingredients that will be easy on our tummy. My mom found the cutest cookbook, Cooking For Your Dog, that is all about tasty, healthy, and safe recipes for us. We just might need to try the "Honey Dog Cookies". Sounds yummy to me!
Sounds like I've got partying, celebrating, and cupcakes on the brain! Wonder why??? Hmm...do you have any idea? Well, if you do, please send me a comment...I might just reveal my secret to you! Yep, that's lil ole me in this picture...I think I'm worth celebrating, don't you??!!! Wink, Wink! :)
2010 Copyright Ann-Margaret's SpecialTea Shoppe/Ann-Margaret's Visions
Please do not copy/use text, photos, or images (graphics) without permission.
Thanks so much for stoppy by my blog; I hope you'll stop by again!